Whether first degassing and then administering materials under vacuum in a multistep process or separately facilitating sensitive data monitored vacuum storage of multiple components, Abbess Multi Chamber Systems are another example of ranging industry knowledge applied in innovative and cost effective solutions.

Multi-chamber – Featured Products:

Multi Chamber Systems

High Vacuum Storage System

Achieve dry, and controlled conditions for your items and batches with our process-versatile, multi-access, multi-functional, with a optional automated chamber controller and data logger.

Vacuum Degassing and Oil Fill System

This double-chambered, semi-automated vacuum system allows for degas and Fill processing. (Thumbnail shown with analog VCC)

Large Vacuum Storage Systems, Modular

Vacuum Storage System Custom configured to your requirements. complete systems with Pumps, controllers and other options

altitude testing

Dual Altitude Chamber System

This Dual Altitude Chamber System has two separate chambers that function and are controlled independently. This system a facilitates the user to conduct and monitor separate or parallel tests.

 If you need to degass a substance before infusing under vacuum, see our impregnating & infusing systems.

 If you will be mixing a substance under vacuum, see our mixing systems.

 If you will be filling under vacuum, see our filling systems.