Do you need to dry your products under vacuum?

EMCSH_00157_0Heat, dry, and/or store your medical, pharmaceutical, food, sculptures, electronics, and aerospace inventory with Abbess Instruments’ vacuum oven systems. Satisfy Quality Control requirements by automatically monitoring, data-logging, and displaying the storage environment.

As an option, prior to storage, other Abbess systems can take your product, in-situ, all the way from cleansing through to its degassed, dosed, and even thermal-cured, state. Abbess Instruments reduces your production failures and processing time by eliminating moisture issues, air bubbles, and air cavities … and by automation (through controlling your process variables).

Do you require manual or automatic operation?

Abbess will work with you to customize the automation to your process, just as we will work with you to ensure the system configuration meets your production needs:

While the most basic system can be controlled manually (by starting/stopping the pump(s) and opening/closing valves), a Vacuum Cycle Controller (VCC) can be added to automate a) vacuum/hold/vent control functions, and b) vacuum and thermal monitoring. Control may be either via panel-mounted buttons and indicators or via a PC with user-specified Graphical User Interface (GUI).  Emergency or non-automated vacuum venting can be always readily achieved with the manual vent valves.


The Vacuum Oven System consists of the following:

Do you have limited Counter Space, or Large Batch Sizes?

The entire system can integrated on a cart using identical or mixed-sized, front-loading cubes in a locker-type configuration. Cart-mounting provides full system mobility and thus flexibility of positioning on your production floor. Mixed-sized inventory? Add optional removable shelving to some, or all, of your cubes for optimal and versatile drying configurability.

Do you require any options? Vacuum Oven upgrade options include:

Are you concerned about craftsmanship? Abbess Instruments’ vacuum chambers are vacuum tested to 10-4 Torr and will maintain this for as long as the customer performs proper maintenance on the chamber. Chamber maintenance simply requires regular cleaning and the occasional changeout of the seal (available through Abbess). Abbess Instruments systems are delivered with industry-leading lead times.

Abbess can help you. Successfully dry your in our manual or automatic, data-logged or not, single or multi-chambered, Vacuum Oven systems.