Vacuum infusing, vacuum impregnating, and vacuum filling can greatly improve the product quality of 3D printed items.

Works well for: Locked sands, woods, fibers, clays, powders, rocks, sands, SLS, 3DP, or SLA forms, foods, insects and plants

Vacuum Infusing/Impregnating System
Vacuum Infusing/Impregnating System

These vacuum infusing chambers are constructed of heavy alloy. Our customers find this to be a practical construction for use in vacuum degassing and vacuum processing of all sorts of items including, but not limited to: foods, herbs, papers, liquids, jells, powders, plastics resins, epoxies and many other parts and materials. Vacuum Pump, Regulator and Vacuum Sequencer, all built -in to the systems. Service range to Down to 29.92″ Hg under dynamic vacuum. This chamber is also used in many other industries where vacuum work is required.

This vacuum chamber is also suited for resin infusion of wood and other products.
